Leadership/Goal Setting
Well, it is certainly that time of year when we take an assessment of our life and say, "In this new year, I'm going to resolve to .... " (You put your own resolution here.) I have another word for them: failure.
What causes us to fail at our plans or resolutions? Time. Commitment. Support. Lack of an actual plan for success. In running, we were encouraged by the experts to state our goal because that goal actually stated to others created accountability. "I'm going to run the Dallas Marathon in December of 2015" for example. You say that to others, and sure enough, they will ask how it is going periodically. In addition, if you are going to run a marathon and are currently a casual runner, you will need to put a plan in place to eventually run 26.2 miles. It's not something that is going to happen on its own.
In the world of academia, I think they refer to those kind of people as ABDs. All But Dissertation. Yes, I got the required coursework, but I didn't complete the requirements of the program. Yes, I got the required coursework, but I didn't complete the requirements of the program. In other words, I didn't have the time, commitment, support, or plan to see it through. So, we see it occur in all forms of life, not just running. So, what did you say is going to be your resolution? What is your marathon? Your dissertation?
So, what did you say is going to be your resolution? A new you? A better parent? A better specimen of manhood in terms of physique? A better spouse perhaps. Maybe even sobriety or ceasing in unhealthy living. How will you do that and how will you know when you have achieved such?
May I suggest that for all of us, we observe the following in whatever goals we set (really at whatever time we set them, not just New Years)? Place Christ at the center of your goal. Prayer, scripture, time to meditate on such things, regardless of how brief that may be, to me, assures a proper focus. Those activities provide encouragement when you are low and feel as though you aren't achieving what you wanted. I would also find an accountability partner whom you can trust and can speak candidly with if it is as simple as weight loss to whatever your plan is.
Christ at the center of our plans gives us that focal point. It doesn't ensure success, but it is a start.
"I can do all things to him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
Good luck with your goals for the New Year -
Hope Men's Ministry
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