Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Devotion 8.12.15

Went to see "Vacation" Tuesday night with my wife before school starts for her in earnest (teachers return Thursday).  It's "Vacation" 30 years later.  This time Rusty, Clark Griswold's son, takes his two sons and wife to California from Chicago to see Wally World (Disney never didn't allow them to say Disney in the original even though the story, taken from National Lampoon, used "Disney Land" in its story).  It had its moments, but no matter how you retrofit a movie already done, it is that movie rehashed. 

There seems to be a lot of remakes these days, and at 55 years of age, a movie made 30 years ago has a good chance of being seen by me at least once already.

Made me think of Ecclesiastes' "nothing new under the sun" passage ("What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." 1:9).  In fact, what makes entertainment less than entertaining is that much of what is being passed off these days really is pretty much what's been covered previously.  Plots are fairly predictable.  Punch lines can be uttered along with the movie even if it is your first time to see it. 

What makes us so restless?  I'm not sure, but it took me to another passage: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 

We pray that we look to Christ for our comfort and meaning.  We pray that our restlessness be settled by taking our weary and burdened lives to Christ.

Hope Men's Ministry

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