Sunday, April 2, 2017

Devotion 4.3.17

Suffering - Psalm 61

Where does one go when one is "suffering?"  The answer is probably "it depends."  It depends means the cause and the depth.  Scratch on the hand from digging in the dirt?  Go to mommy and have her kiss it and make it better.  A deep wound?  Probably the emergency room.  You get the idea.

So, what about emotional suffering?  A disappointment from a lost opportunity financially?  A break up in a relationship?  The loss of a loved one?  Each has a degree of sadness that grows in scale as it impacts the person who is suffering.  In both physical and emotional suffering, we turn to professional help if it is severe enough.  "Help get me out of this!" is our plea.

There is also spiritual suffering which may be caused by physical or emotional hurt.  In spiritual suffering, we turn to God, don't we?  Or do we?  It is said by some that God won't care or concern himself with my concerns.  Or we ask, "Why is God letting this happen?" We may even ask, "Why is God doing this?" 

"Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a  strong tower against he enemy." (1 - 3) In truth, as we suffer, God is there with us to lead us through it.  David acknowledges this by calling to God.  In figurative language, David notes that he calls from any length possible, but if God leads him even further, he will go to find refuge for God's refuge against "the enemy."  David asks in verse four, "...let me take shelter under your wings!" 

The image that conjures is one of God carefully pulling us in and guarding us against the outside world.  So, in the midst of suffering, God is there for us to be drawn in under his wing to take refuge and draw from his strength. 

Pray we learn to trust God and to turn to Him in our need.  Pray to draw strength in our sufferings, and pray that we eventually draw hope from God as Paul notes in Romans 5, where suffering eventually turns to hope - hope in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ.

Hope Men's Ministry

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