Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Devotion 1.9.19

Epic fail...

That's the name of the activity we set at this time every year known as a resolution.  I'm setting myself up for epic fail.  Exercise, goals for work, family, money handling, being kind to animals....  These things all sound great in my mind, but in the end, we know that gyms make bank on people who sign up and cease coming within six weeks.

What if, though, you set a very serious goal?  Quit drinking, smoking, lose weight due to diabetes, heart, or other related health issues? You didn't start an exercise routine to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you started a routine to improve the quality of your life.  That's serious stuff.  So is perhaps controlling anger, improving the relationship with your spouse who is also your children's mother, and other areas we tend not to disclose that may require external help like counseling.  What if your control of money is due to a gambling addiction or other unhealthy lifestyle? What if you have addictive behavior that is being addressed by serving the addiction, convincing yourself you have it mastered and not the other way around?

Then let's not be so dismissive of New Year's Resolutions if they aren't the routine, every man's goals we often make fun of.  May I encourage each of us who are attempting to improve or enhance our lives to consider this:  Put Christ at the center of your day and your goal.

Isaiah 42 tells us “a bruised reed he will not break and a faintly burning wick he will not quench.” This passage is repeated again in Matthew as Christ reveals himself adding, “...until he brings justice to victory.” This passage alone has come across my screen or in my open Bible through the spoken word or study at least four times in the past month so I feel compelled to share it. Christ is our ultimate care giver, not extinguishing even the faintest desire to overcome. His love extends to us as he reaches us in our deepest weakness to show his love, no matter what that affliction is.  The study note says, "Jesus the servant compassionately cares for those who have been abused."  That may include self-inflicted abuse.  Near the breaking point, Christ reaches out to us, not extinguishing that faint glimmer of hope.

We pray that where we need help, we turn to Christ and ask. We turn to those we trust who may guide us faithfully. We pray that Christ lead us through those dark valleys into still waters as we seek to end cycles that don’t serve us or those we love.


Hope Mens Ministry

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