Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Devotion 10.22.20

 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3 - 4

Pastor asked us last week, "How do you create a passion for souls" in the church? That's an interesting question even from the perspective of creating a passion. Are you passionate about sharing good news because doing so may ensure the Spirit's work to bring that person successfully to faith and then eternal life?

Did you know, on any good day according to Gallup, that maybe 35 percent of the staff in any workplace is fully engaged? 35%.  You've experienced it when you walk away from someone when you've been out shopping and mumble, "Man, don't bend over backwards to help me out today." What is workplace engagement? Simply put, it's being "in the moment." You intentionally seek ways to improve the space you occupy. In a thriving organization, leadership engages staff to intentionally improve the customer, client, or student experience.

In team sports, that is the coach doing several things at once:  getting the players to lift the team above individual performance; getting the team to leave it all out on the field; getting the team to see something greater than itself; and seeking/giving constant feedback to bring out the best in a player. As I noted in the last devotion, when you've studied it enough, you know it the minute you experience it.  An employee engages you and your experience is negative, you know that behind every action is a manager failing to engage staff. A lack of engagement in staff is a lack of leadership and management. Oh yes, it is that simple.  

Paul talks about it among believers in Philippians - we are passionate because we know the cause is greater than any one of us.  We are passionate because of the love of Christ that binds us and drives us.  We are passionate because that same love for us and the grace it extends should be shared with others, so they, too, may come to know the love of Christ. "...but also to the interest of others." Paul is clear.  It's not just about ourselves. In Christ, we are about more than just ourselves.

We pray that we constantly engage and seek those who don't know Christ to share that good news with them. We pray for our leaders as they remind us in prayer and God's Word in sermon of our commitment to that passion for finding the lost and sharing the good news.

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