1 John 1
8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
Remember the commercials that used the phrase, "Accept no imitation?" It was usually to get you to know that only the salve, cream, or treatment they were selling had that authentic healing formula.
Daniel Paavala, in the book "Following the Cross: Six Facets of Forgiveness" (Concordia, St. Louis 2020) notes that there are several "imitation forgivenesses." These forgivenesses take the spotlight off ourselves and cast the light (darkness actually) on others or other issues. I can understand, as a sinner who has used them myself, how we can deceive others as we seek false forgiveness, but I cannot understand how we can use them with God, who knows and sees all. Nevertheless, they cheapen our faith with God and our use of the gospel message with man.
First is the "periscope picture," named after the extension device to get a selfie with a group and things behind you. This imitation is so named because we do this when we confess a sin, but use our past perceived good life to shine on the others we compare ourselves to using their past. "I may be wrong, but I'm not like old so-and-so there, who's done far worse in his life."
Second are excuses. We excuse ourselves from responsibility from the sin. Adam did this when God asked him about eating the forbidden fruit when he said, "That woman you gave me made me do this." (Gen 3:12).
Finally, there is the "second chance" method. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Or, "Okay, I'll let it go just this once." It's forgiveness with a condition. God forgives equally in abundance to all sinners who confess Christ is Lord.
John puts it in perspective in his epistle. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.... If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar...." Forgiveness is forgiveness, using the same measure of grace we are given for our sins that we give others who have sinned against us and whose forgiveness we are seeking. Seeking imitation forgiveness is lying to God and man. We may fool man, but we only lie to God in the process. God cannot be fooled or mislead.
Pray with me: Gracious and merciful Father, help us to be truthful and sincere in our forgiveness and in help us to be truthful when we come to you for forgiveness. Help us to see our sinful actions for what they are and to confess that sin to you and the brother we sin against. Please give us a full measure of grace for our sins, known and unknown, and hear our praise for you for sending your Son to make this grace available to all who turn to you and confess Christ is Lord, without conditions. Amen
Hope Men's Ministry is a ministry in service to Hope Lutheran Church and School. Our purpose is to grow, unite, and share God's Word to all men through meaningful activities. These activities center on fellowship, service, conversation, prayer, study and devotion as we seek to become men of God as He created us to be.
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