Devotion - Christmas Blues and Sadness
If you watched any of the NYPD police officer's funeral Saturday, was that not moving? And the bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace?" Can that not place a lump in your throat the size of a football? And imagine the grief of the immediate family who lost their father and provider at Christmas.
Since my mom's passing back in April, the funeral home, Lakeridge Memorial Chapel, has been sending me periodic emails on mourning and the mourning process. The topic, of course, at Christmas was on the loss of loved ones and the first season without them. Many grief experts provide many ways to get through the holiday season, especially the first after the loss of a loved one.
This is a road most of us have gone down, losing a loved one and the first _____ that comes after his or her passing. If not, we all will go down that road eventually. Several experts suggest beginning new things at Christmas in his or her honor.
Begin a new practice. That's not a new concept really. Christians should be familiar with this notion of beginning something new since our savior, Christ Jesus, says in Revelation, "I make everything new!" We are, through Christ, new creations. As a result of his suffering, death, and resurrection, death no longer has that "sting" that it had. We no longer fear death, nor loss, because of the assurance of the resurrection.
So, go ahead and place an ornament especially for someone you love who you lost. Tell stories of the Christmases past that were special. Place a floral arrangement in the house dedicated to your loved one. Create that new practice, but know that as a result of Christ, the loss is temporary, not permanent. Christ makes all things new!
Peace in the assurance of the resurrection at Christmas -
Hope Men's Ministry
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