Monday, January 12, 2015

Devotion 1.12.15

Is the era of instant replay working or not?  The past two Sundays have given us questionable calls that were either reversed on the field or reversed after review.  There have been non-calls as well.  Jason Garrett, head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, was gracious after the game by saying that one call was not the sum total of the game, that they had 60 minutes and did not get the job done.

Is that true?  Or can there be a call or non-call that is so great that it swings momentum?  It changes the direction of the game?  All of us can attest to seeing just that happen.  Had a call gone another way then it would have been a different game.

Baseball acknowledges such with how it reviews plays and calls.  The last three innings open up a broader array of who can request a review or what can be reviewed.  So, is a 4th and 1 yard to go decision in the first quarter more important than in the last two minutes of a close game?  Well, the intensity of play seems to indicate it is.

What is "crunch time" in our faith life?  In the parable of the "Rich Fool," Christ seems to tell us that each day is "crunch time." We read in Luke 12 that a wealthy man decides to build up his storehouses in order to live a life of leisure.  "I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax,eat, drink, be merry. But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul will be required of you....'" (v. 19 - 20)

Pray that we use our time wisely, as well as the gifts he has given us.  Pray that we focus on each day in front of us and that we not dwell on those days behind us or ahead of us.

Hope Men's Ministry

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