Monday, May 11, 2015

Devotion 5.12.15

What is our typical response when called upon to do something?  "Please give me some time to think about it."  In fact, it was a common joke in my profession that we would go through three interviews with a candidate, and in the final interview (if you get that far, you really do have to think you have the job), the response was almost universally, "Let me go home, talk to my spouse, pray about it.  Can I let you know my answer to your offer tomorrow?"

Isaiah is called by God when he hears God's voice, "'Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?'  Then I said, 'Here am I!  Send me!'" (6:8)  We've seen prophets in the past offer up answers much like our job candidates (give me a day or two).  Many attempted to get out of the call from God, but Isaiah is different.  Isaiah willingly and apparently gladly accepts.

Christ calls his first disciples as he walks by them fishing, saying to Peter and Andrew, "'Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.'  Immediately they left their nets and followed him." (Matthew 4:19 and 20)

When we are called by Christ, what is our response?  Pray that when we hear the call from Christ, we gladly accept that call and serve Him.

Hope Men's Ministry 

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