Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Devotion 12.23.20

 "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is might has done great things for me, and holy his is name." Luke 1:46 - 49

I had an opportunity to hear a story about a child who is about to give birth to an infant - soon in fact.  What age is this child? you ask. I believe around 19 or 20, which to me is a child. According to the person sharing this information, this child has no idea what she is in for. Since it is a true story, she needs our prayer because she is relatively "clueless" about not just childbirth (not really aware of the pain she will endure), she also has absolutely no idea what she's getting into when the baby comes into her life. The length this person sharing this with me to prepare her for the tremendous responsibility has been admirable, but like with anything, the learner has to be ready to learn.  In this case, she sounds sweet, but again, she has no idea of the responsibility she's taking on.

What a great story to hear at this time of year.  Mary, probably much younger than this girl, has a great deal of preparation, thanks to appearances by the angel from God, to visiting with her cousin Elizabeth, also the recipient of a miracle from God being pregnant with John. All this helps Mary's state of being, her mindset, as she takes on the responsibility, along with Joseph, of being the mother (parents) of God in the form of Christ.

We hear Mary, fully aware of her tremendous honor and responsibility in "The Magnificat" (Luke passage above), as she praises God for all He has done for her.

We, too, have opportunities at all times of year with great responsibilities in terms of our own family and relationships that God has gifted us with. What's our mental framework as these opportunities arise?  I can only confess to my own which at times was either/or. Either I handled it like a champion and rose to the occasion or I went into denial and sunk to the occasion, hoping it would just go away.

As we observe Advent's closing hours, let's pray that this preparation has set before us a mindset to take on the tasks and challenges God gifts us with, that we rise to these occasions with the joyful heart of a servant of God in Christ.

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