We don't recognize second place. Never mind the basement dwellers, we aren't even talking about them. We are talking about the finalists who don't get the prize. The two others interviewed for CEO who didn't get it. The three finalists for the teaching position. The military officer who sought the promotion, but instead, it went to someone else named Eisenhower. The silver medalist. The team who lost the Super Bowl. You get the idea. Why are we so hard on accomplishment that isn't the winner of the gold, the prize, the top spot?
There was once a Nike commercial that featured a runner running through the streets of the city at night. He ran, and ran, and ran, and then the commercial ended with the phrase, "There is no finish line." Life, in all facets, is a continual race with no end until the final day. Some days we win, and some days we don't. Yet we continue trying and working, striving to achieve.
It is through that lens that Paul talks to us at the beginning of Philippians. "...because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus." (1:5 & 6)
Our work here on earth is for a brief time. Each generation doing the same. While we may not see our works brought to completion in our lifetime, we focus on Christ's Word at work in us. One day we will see that work come to completion, but it may not be in our lifetime. Our work, Paul's work, and the generations before and after us, will only see it come to completion in the day of Christ Jesus. There is no finish line until he returns. Pray that we use our time and energy focused on God's Word which brings about good work in us for Christ's glory.
Hope Men's Ministry
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