Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Devotion 12.1.16

When it came to naming your child or children, how did you go about it?  My mom once told me about the naming process for me, but I've long since forgotten the length or time of the discussion.  When it came to our own children, we liked names that had scriptural roots.  When I taught, you can see names that have scriptural backgrounds, family backgrounds, or are names that are creations based on various choices made by parents.  I've seen names that were combinations of mom and dad's name.

We take the naming process seriously.  I remember hearing Will Farrell say he and his wife wanted names that would be hard to pronounce and names that kids would tease them about.  "I think we accomplished both," he said.

In Advent, we see God name his Son and his Son's cousin.  Gabriel, visiting Zechariah in the temple, tells him his soon-to-be conceived son is to be named John. Later, we see in Luke (1:57 - 64) a discussion occur after John is born.  Relatives (of course, they always have an opinion about how we name our children) ask Elizabeth his name and she answers he is to be called John.  "None of your relatives are to be called by this name," they respond, so they go to Zechariah who can certainly clarify this.  They ask him via sign language of some kind (he had been stricken dumb - speechless - after doubting Gabriel's assurance he and Elizabeth would have a son at their advanced age).  He wrote, "His name is John."

They don't disclose this is God's desire for his name at this point, but they carry through faithfully in God's desire for his name.  The name in Hebrew means "God has shown favor," which for the older couple meant a son, and which for us meant that a man will come and tell people the good news that is to come, to prepare them and us for Christ's coming.

Continue to pray for preparation in Advent as we seek God's will and desires in our lives.

Hope Men's Ministry

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