Sunday, January 17, 2021

Devotion 1.18.21

 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we sill not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,... 'Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted i the earth!' The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." Psalm 46:1, 2, 10 and 11

Our friend at church and elder Jeff Hill's daughter, Courtney (Heath Lowe's wife as well), posted this on Facebook recently, "One of my goals this year is to spend more time reading my Bible.... My planner has lots of free writing space so let's fill it up!! So, please tell me your favorite Bible verse. I want to write them in my planner each week as a reminder.  I need at least 52 verses! Let me hear 'em!"

I wanted to reply (I've known her since childhood), "Girl, what's the matter with you? This space is for all kinds of things important. Post something about the deterioration of the world and the US specifically or get off." Now she would have known I was joking, but the world around her (her friends on Facebook at that moment) may not have.

Interestingly enough, another friend of mine since childhood, Larry, posted this today: "People ask, 'Where is God in all of this going on.' He is right here where He has always been. He whispers to us in the wind. We don't listen anymore, and when we cry out for Him, we only hear what want to hear, what we want in His answer. 'Be still and know I AM.' I think that is what He is telling us right now." I sat and read it several times.  Larry, if you don't know him (or at least see him comment on my page from time to time), is an old redneck who grew up a few houses away from me.  Blue collar.  Smart, but very opinionated. Union guy but very conservative.  So,  his post caught me somewhat off guard because he's very vocal about today and events today.

I went to the psalm , Psalm 46 (which inspired, if I'm not mistaken, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"). I had replied to Courtney on Facebook with several verses that have served me well over my lifetime of attempting to learn verses and remembering them by recall (a failed goal I might add - I had to look up Psalm 46 which I've read many times). Luther drew inspiration from the Psalms.  They are a beautiful source for prayer and meditation as they address an abundance of issues from God answering prayer, to God hearing our prayer, to God providing, forgiving, healing, helping and a host of other things.

Today, we should heed the words of God as we seek answers to our current situation we find ourselves in - "Be still, and know that I am God." A reporter is alleged to have, somewhat mockingly, asked Mother Theresa about prayer.  "What do you say to God?" he asked. "I listen," she replied. "Oh, and what does he say?" he asked.  "He listens," she replied.

Listening may be in very short supply these days.  God is clear.  "Be still and know that I am God." Pray that we listen for His voice as He speaks to us. Know that voice can come in a whisper (I Kings 19 as God speaks to Elijah in a dramatic passage).  Pray we seek His voice in His Word, through others of faith, and in the whispers and silence. Pray that when we speak about God to others, we speak in truth and love - after we've listened.

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