Sunday, June 14, 2015

Devotion 6.15.15

Two seats, formerly in the Astrodome, now reside in my house.  They weren't seats where we normally sat (Upper Deck and Mezzanine levels).  They are from the outfield, center field specifically, referred to as "Bleacher Seats."  We sat there a couple of times, but in the primitive days (before large diamond vision screens and such), that was a long way from home plate and it was like watching baseball from the back of the game.

I sat in one and watched the Astros when we returned from our trip and the Astros scored eight runs in the first inning as I sat and watched.  This will be a long season if I have to sit in this in order for them to win, I thought to myself.  Oh the things these seats could share if they could talk.  Clearly they could walk me through all the highs and lows of being a stadium seat with baseball, football, basketball, rock concerts, rodeos, motor cross, races, indoor track and field, and other large venue events.  Along with my other memorabilia, my collection is beginning to grow.  I've even begun to talk to my son about how he and his sister will have to decide how to divide it up when I die.

We do like the things of this life.  No matter how hard we try, we become attached to this earthly life.  What's interesting is that John the Baptizer (or Baptist) has a distinct role in the life of Christ, serving as a prophet to pave the way for Christ as he told Israel to repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 3:2)  What Matthew notes that is of interest is John's wardrobe and lifestyle, saying that "John wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey."  (3:4)

Clearly John was focused and not of this world.  Earthly things mattered little given this brief description of him. His focus was on repentance and setting our sights on the coming kingdom, Christ.  We pray we have a level of focus and dedication to Christ and His Word. 

Hope Men's Ministry

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