Worship/Praise - Psalm 95
I want to learn to play guitar, and I want to join a praise band, preferably the one at our church. If not there, then somewhere, and I want the name of the praise band that I play in to be "Joyful Noise." I may have been beaten to that name by someone somewhere, but I have a love for music that runs deep, can read music, and can play an instrument not found in a praise band (clarinet). So, my goal of new found talents of playing guitar would enable me to contribute.
Yet it would have to be "Joyful Noise" because that would be the sound we would make. My voice? Hardly a voice that could lead others in song. It's best if it's silent, heard only by God. My guitar playing? Clearly as an amateur, it would not be the best in the band (I know enough chords right now to probably have a hit song on some rock chart somewhere, but that's it. Country is too sophisticated for my skill level), so the guitar would be muted on the sound board.
But I've wanted to form a band and call it "Joyful Noise" for the longest time, and it would be a perfect fit in a church (I think). David gives us that line in Psalm 95, "Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods." (Psalm 95:1 - 3)
Worship is not just a frame of mind, it is a matter of the heart. We worship to sing praise and meditate on God's Word. We come to God for forgiveness, grace, and strength and to acknowledge who God is (the rock of our salvation). Too often we reflect on worship as something for us (what do I get out of it?), but in fact, as David notes, worship is there to praise God, the source of our salvation. We come to him with thanksgiving. Pray that when we worship, we know we are there to praise our God and to be joyful as members of his body.
Hope Men's Ministry
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